Last Updated: December 17th, 2021
TORONTO, ONT. – On December 17th, the Province of Ontario announced the implementation of new public health measures designed to help limit the spread of the COVID-19 Omicron variant.
Beginning December 19th, we’ll be implementing the following Provincial guidelines at our Ontario-based Canlan Sports complexes:
◾Spectators: Participants will be permitted to be accompanied by no more than one (1) spectator until further notice. Arrival times will also be reduced to 15 minutes prior to start time.
◾ Wild Wing: Patron capacity will be reduced to a maximum of 50% capacity with a maximum of 10 patrons seated per table. Alcohol will also not be sold after 10:00 p.m., and the restaurant will close no later than 11:00 p.m. Please note that Canlan Sports Mississauga and Oakville’s on-site Wild Wing locations remain temporarily closed at this time
◾ Dressing Rooms: Participants will receive access to their dressing rooms 15 minutes prior to their scheduled ice-time. Personal facemasks must be worn at all times while in the dressing room and dressing room service will no longer be available at this time.
◾ 12+ Vaccination Requirements: A change in the Province’s regulations now require all individuals 12-years and older to provide proof of vaccination to enter a sports complex, including participants.
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We thank each of our participants and patrons for their diligence in following Provincial guidelines and protocols during this challenging time.
To help prepare you for your next visit to Canlan Sports, please reference the additional information below:
Entry Protocols:
In addition to arriving no more than 15 minutes prior to their designated surface time, participants will continue to be screened for contact tracing + health check, as well as proof of vaccination.
Adult Safe Hockey League (ASHL):
Scheduled ASHL games will continue to be played with all requisite health and safety protocols in effect
Winter Break Camps and Clinics:
All scheduled Winter Break Camps and Clinics will be conducted according to schedule
Surface Rentals:
There are no restrictions on surface rentals at this time. Please click here to see a listing of available ice-times at Canlan Sports complexes over the holiday season.
Canlan Sports Shop:
The Canlan Sports Shop will continue to remain open, with designated capacity limits inside of the store footprint.
Canlan Sports Live:
Watch the game from the comfort of your home. As we reduce the number of spectators who are permitted to be in our sports complexes, Canlan Sports Live is the best way to ensure that you don’t miss a minute of the action!
This is a challenging time, but the power of our sports community is strong.
Canlan Sports remains committed to being an industry leader in maintaining health and safety protocols, and that will continue to be our primary focus.
Please note that these protocols remain subject to change.
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